Meet Debi Flügge, the German globetrotter and blogger making waves in the international and online fashion scene sharing her exciting and fast paced life with her hundreds of thousands of followers.
Describe your style and aesthetic.
I often struggle with finding the correct answer because I think it’s not that easy to boil it down into two or three words. But I tried my best ;) I would describe my style as casual but also chic. I love to combine basics with some special pieces.
If you weren’t doing what you are doing what would you be?
I really can’t imagine to do anything different from what I am doing now - I just love it! Maybe I would be done with university by now and would work at a media agency. But it would definitely be something creative!
What is your ultimate indulgence?
Avocados and Coconut Water! I have to eat/drink at least one a day!
Any vacations planned over the Summer holidays?
Not yet - but I am sure I will be back at the beach soon.
If you had a bucket list what would be on it?
I do have a bucket list - but there are so many points on it. A horseback ride at a beach in south Africa together with my boy.